Category: Updates

We’re Still Here: Being Human in STEM Fall 2016

Hello visitors and welcome to Being Human in STEM Version 2.0! A few of last semester’s students (Ashley, Ruth, and myself) have returned this year to continue our work under the guidance of Dr. Jaswal. After the success of sharing our interview project at Amherst Explorations, Yale DiversiTea, and a final CHI salon last year,…

We’re Holding a Panel!

Come meet the real-live people behind this website! We’ll be holding a panel as part of Amherst Explorations, an event hosted by the Amherst College Writing Center that aims to highlight student research and creative work. The details are included below: WHEN:Friday, April 1st, 2016 at 3:30 PM WHERE:Robert Frost Library, Amherst College WHAT:A panel…

The Legacy of Womanhood at Amherst College

​Gaby Mayer ’16 As a woman (not to mention a feminist), I spend a lot of time thinking about what it means to be female: as a scientist, as a college student, as a so-called “millennial,” and as a consumer of contemporary art and culture. Curiously, however, I haven’t truly contemplated what it means to be a…

Fortalecando nuestras raíces: on being Latinx in the medical world

Ruth Manzanares '18 (center) poses with other Amherst students at the 43rd annual LMSA conference, hosted by Dartmouth's Geisel School of Medicine .

Ruth Manzanares ’18 Last Saturday, I was extremely fortunate to go to the Latino Medical Student Association 43rd Annual Northeast Conference at Dartmouth. This conference is open to high school students interested in medicine, undergraduate pre-med students, and medical students. Some of the schools that form part of the Northeast chapters are Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth,…

Being a Woman in STEM

Emma Ryan ’17 Our Tuesday meeting last week largely focused on a paper, “Female peers in small work groups enhance women’s motivation, verbal participation, and career aspirations in engineering” authored by Dasgupta, et al. Dasgupta, a professor in the department of Psychological and Brain Sciences next door to us at UMass Amherst, emphasized the nationwide…